Looking back on the year past, setting new goals for the year to come

2016 brought major change to Starkweather. From the transition of business direction and a new commitment to long term goals. 

The crux and the liners, Starkweather private label items, continue to be celebrated by happy customers, and we are developing new products through collaborations and future releases that we'll be excited to announce during 2017. 

In the meantime, we've been busy asking the big questions that have been top of mind over the past two years, beginning with Pioneer Mode, and all the conversations it started. Truly, we've found that for every issue addressed and brought to light, a new set of issues presents itself. That probably doesn't sound surprising. It's like any organization project: It has to get worse before it can get better. So right now, the focus has been to break apart the structure to get at those issues, and to lay them all out on the table.

The exciting thing has been that many of those issues were created in silos, but have solutions that could impact positive change across other sectors or within many companies, etc. By looking at the system as a whole, we can see where those opportunities are. We can pool resources and move forward stronger together. We're on the look out for those connections.

You've helped through your participation in our insight events.

You can read some highlights of one such event here.

But there's been some good creative fun this year, too:

Some extensive additions to the Outerwear reference library, a ton of which is on our Pinterest boards for your browsing pleasure. 


Ask us about your outerwear research for next season.

And some great design opportunities with industries of the future like Virtual Reality, Aerospace, and Activewear. Ask us for more information.

The blog has been quite slow for the past few months, and it's not because of a shortage of things to share. In fact there is a back log of insight that will be coming out over the next few months. Please keep an eye out, stay engaged, let us know what issues you've been facing. Let us know what was the best, the most impactful, the strangest or most surprising moment of your fashion year. 

Ears to the ground, is the current mode of operation here, and we're grateful to you for helping us stay aware and engaged with the issues and your work! 

More soon, and stay warm




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