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ICINORI 'procrastination'

these awesome illustrations are done by duo Raphaël Urwiller & Mayumi Otero
they make books, posters, prints, and are amazing storytellers through their limitless imaginations.
Speaking with the artists, this project was done during moments of 'non-productivity', and a way to stay productive while procrastinating. 

Enjoy! and check out their work on their website



found drawings

sketches like these blue ballpoint line drawings pop up every time I clean off my desk...I don't know what to do with them except stick them in the filing cabinet, so I am daydreaming of my future studio where there purpose of the space is to house things like random inspiration notes and sketches rather than feeling encumbered by them. At least digitally they can't collect dust.



Ernst Haeckel

Mixing art and Science can be a beautiful thing:
From Art Forms of Nature  by Ernst Haeekel released at the turn of the 20th century- These illustrations are based off of Haeckel's notes and sketches, and hugely influenced the science of documenting species, and also the artists of the era- namely the art nouveau movement. Nature is capable of the most simple, and the most complex of phenomenons- and all art can do is try to recreate the same kind of harmony that nature produces by instinct and grand design.
see the whole work here (in German)
Images via Wikipedia
