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journey to the lava-fall

...from where she stood the terrain looked lush and green, but she knew the perils of the journey. To make it back safely, she would have to take the short cut under the waterfall. Her only chance would be just as the sun set, when its rays turned the water hot orange, like lava spilling over the edge of the towering wall of rock, and the passageway opened. She saw the fading light of the sun behind the cloud cover. it was quickly approaching the line of the mountain tops on its way past the horizon into night. It was time to hurry...




...she rode through the cactus rising up from the ground. Earlier this morning, in town, she had seen the women in the carriage with her curled hair and white gloved hand hanging listlessly out the window. What a life she imagined the woman must have. What a life. The hooves tapped on the dry ground, hollow and vast...
that night, as she lay under the big sky, she thought about what it might be like in a fluffy bed with soft white sheets. She closed her eyes to imagine it. Almost wishing herself there. But when she opened her eyes, she looked up at the bright, glimmering stars. They sparkled down on her like a thousand well-wishing angels. And she knew she wouldn't change places for anything...




Doing some research on Geological folds, I came across this photographer who is a professor at the University of Wisconsin. Louis Maher. In '59 he took a trip to capture his own images for a series of educational videos he was putting together for his classes. There are many beautiful images, that are also great for learning about the development and characteristics of the landscapes as per his goal.
Here I wanted to share this specific site that totally blows my mind. You know those hyper-speed videos where you see flowers bloom in a matter of seconds? Imagine seeing the evolution of this rock formation and the land around it sped up over millions of years. If only...

Check out his survey here: Louis Maher



Karl Bodmer Journal Illustrations

Sketches from the Missouri river Expedition, 1932-1934, for which he was hired by a German explorer to document the native peoples they encountered. On his return to Europe, the sketches were reproduced as color aquatints and made into a book. I'll gather some of the colored editions, as well. This selection shares the range of information he compiled and shows how thorough his documentation was. And they are beautiful.
Indian Utensils and Arms
Indian Utensils and Arms
Drawing of Native North American Bows, Quiver and Arrows
Painting of Bison Head
Map of Fort Clark and the Mandan Village of Mih-Tutta-Hang-Kush

Drawing of Topographical Map Showing Routes of Exploration, Mandan Villages and Missouri River
Watercolor Painting of North Dakota Landscape
Watercolor Painting of Standstone Mesas
Painting of Indian Warrior
Drawing of Elderly Plains IndianDrawing of Omaha Indians
All images from corbis
